megan wetselaar

megan wetselaar

May 29, 2013

Oops. Sometimes I forget that my favorite people in the world keep aging while I'm away from them. I thought Levi was still just a little baby. But now this 5-month-old is sitting up all by himself!! What?!

Stop growing so fast when I'm not there!!

May 28, 2013

I kinda felt like a superhero today. Camper after camper came to our desk saying their key didn't work. Oh, Carter confuse people.
Well the keys do work. Just not in the hands of 14-year-old girls on their cell phones who are used to everything working perfectly.
I politely asked for the key, stuck it in the lock, turned it, and click! it opened every time.
They didn't think I would be able to open it, but I did. Made me feel kinda like a superhero.
I didn't like having six or seven of them hovering behind my back in anticipation because it made me nervous and I was really afraid of being inadequate at opening some of those doors. But it was ok because I did get them.
Some of those doors really are tricky. But something about the thought of being the only one that can possibly solve the problem really is motivating in figuring it out, no matter what that means.
So you are welcome Carter campers. Glad I could help.

May 16, 2013

"The LORD possessed me at the
beginning of His work,
the first of His acts of old.
Ages ago I was set up, 
at the first, before the beginning of the
When there were no depths I was
 brought forth,
when there were no springs 
abounding with water.
Before the mountains had been shaped,
 before the hills, I was brought forth,
before He had made the earth with its 
or the first of the dust of the world.
When He established the heavens, I was
when He drew a circle on the face of
 the deep,
when He made firm the skies above,
when He established the fountains of 
the deep,
when He assigned to the sea its limit,
 so that the waters might not transgress
His command,
when he marked out the foundations of
the earth,
then I was beside Him, like a master
and I was daily His delight,
rejoicing in His inhabited world
and delighting in the children of man.

May 14, 2013

Fudge Shoppe
"Made Here Fresh Daily"
What does that even mean?? 
Is it made there fresh daily or not?? 
Are they trying to imply that it's not actually fresh? 
Or not actually daily?
Or not actually made there???  
What are those quotation marks trying to tell us?

"Handmade" Stick Candy
Is it Handmade or not?? 
Are they laughing maliciously behind 
the counter because it's not handmade 
but they're making us think that it is? 

"sweet" thoughts and "sweet" memories
A Valentine's Day card. Seems nice. 
But what does "sweet" mean?? 
Does it mean awful? Depressing? Bad? 
I think thoughts and memories can be sweet but not "sweet"!! 

"Vintage" Binoculars
At an antique store, but...
Are they vintage or not?
Because "vintage" makes me think they're brand new!

"Florida's Honey" Beer
I don't even know what this is 
without the quotation marks. 
But WITH the quotation marks.
Is it made from Florida's Honey or not??
And if it that normal? 
Sounds weird to me!
This whole thing is sketchy!!

Sally's '60'
Yeah. Don't believe that for a second.
She's at least 65. Probably 70.
Nice try.

If you "want" to make things "ten" times
sketchier than "they" actually are....
Just use "quotation" marks!!

May 12, 2013

Ok, so it's Mother's Day. (Happy Mother's Day by the way, Mom.)
Well, me and my friends are not moms yet. So, naturally we celebrated not being mothers!!
We celebrated by cooking with aprons (and heels! pearls)
And playing Mother's Day Football! (a new annual event)
And basically tying everything we did into mothers day! (it's fun asking guys how they celebrated mother's day).

Yay. I love my friends. And maybe we'll all be moms one day. But in the meantime we are glad that we're not.

But thanks to all of you that are moms.

{Mine's pretty cool.}

May 11, 2013

I ate some cow tongue tonight.
Yep. There's currently another creature's tongue in my stomach.
Service Week 2010, Inez, Kentucky.....a man by the name of Goober owned a cow that licked me. Yep, so I know just what those tongues feel like. Really rough. And strong.
And now I have eaten one.

May 6, 2013

Tonight is my last night ever sleeping in Andreas. I have lived here for two years and let me tell you....I am done. So ready.

Look! It's me!

I remember my very first night ever sleeping in this building. I was a freshman and I had only just moved in. My roommate and I stayed up late talking. We were so excited about college! And we wanted to get to know each other, so what better time than one in the morning? We talked about movies, Friends, countries we'd visited, food, etc. I think I only got five hours of sleep that night (hope I get more on this last night!!)

Well, since then I became a sophomore (moved to the room next door) and had quite the year. Wow. I don't think I have ever changed and grown so much in just one year before. God was amazing. But it was hard. And next year I'm goin' up to Carter.

All of my stuff is now packed up and in suitcases and boxes just waiting to get unpacked in Apartment 16, my home for the summer. I will be staying here on campus, I will see Andreas every single day, but never again do I have to live here or sleep here!

It was good while it lasted and I have a lot of good memories. But I am thrilled to be leaving.

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Hey I'm Megan. This is just my blog of my life, my adventures, my story...even if I don't know where it's going.

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