megan wetselaar

megan wetselaar

May 14, 2013

Fudge Shoppe
"Made Here Fresh Daily"
What does that even mean?? 
Is it made there fresh daily or not?? 
Are they trying to imply that it's not actually fresh? 
Or not actually daily?
Or not actually made there???  
What are those quotation marks trying to tell us?

"Handmade" Stick Candy
Is it Handmade or not?? 
Are they laughing maliciously behind 
the counter because it's not handmade 
but they're making us think that it is? 

"sweet" thoughts and "sweet" memories
A Valentine's Day card. Seems nice. 
But what does "sweet" mean?? 
Does it mean awful? Depressing? Bad? 
I think thoughts and memories can be sweet but not "sweet"!! 

"Vintage" Binoculars
At an antique store, but...
Are they vintage or not?
Because "vintage" makes me think they're brand new!

"Florida's Honey" Beer
I don't even know what this is 
without the quotation marks. 
But WITH the quotation marks.
Is it made from Florida's Honey or not??
And if it that normal? 
Sounds weird to me!
This whole thing is sketchy!!

Sally's '60'
Yeah. Don't believe that for a second.
She's at least 65. Probably 70.
Nice try.

If you "want" to make things "ten" times
sketchier than "they" actually are....
Just use "quotation" marks!!


  1. My favorite one is definitely Sally. I'm giggling at my desk at work. Unprofessional.

  2. I laughed out loud at my desk today, too! Megan is going to get us all fired. Or "fired."


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Hey I'm Megan. This is just my blog of my life, my adventures, my story...even if I don't know where it's going.

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