megan wetselaar

megan wetselaar

December 28, 2013

God protected me over 4789 miles (7707 kilometers, Hannah) this semester. I recently added it up. I have been going so many different places and I've spent hours and hours on the road. So many different trips. Some planned for months, some spontaneous. It seemed like I never stopped. I was always going someplace new. 

Trip #1: September 29. Atlanta, GA
Total Trip Miles: 269

Ok, so I know that driving from Lookout Mountain, Georgia to Atlanta is hardly considered a road trip. Not at all actually. But hey, it adds up, and I did it twice within three weeks. So that was like eight hours of car time. So that counts for some miles. And it was so exciting, I was finally going to pick up Hannah from the airport!! For months people kept asking me when she was coming. "September 29!" Finally got to hop in a borrowed car, plug Atlanta's airport into the GPS, blast some music, and go get her! Doesn't she look great after her nine hour flight?? ☺

Trip #2: October 11-13. St. Louis, MO
Total Trip Miles: 905

This one was pretty spontaneous. Hannah was still around. It was Homecoming weekend. But Homecoming just wasn't the same without our two favorite alumni, Kevin and Virginia Witten. So, yep we rented a car and made the 6 hour trip out there. What a weekend. It was so spontaneous and I feel like with everything we did we were there for a lot longer than two days. We got to see downtown St. Louis (ok, the Arch and an old church) and go paddle boating! Tried some fantastic custard and got to hear all the behind-the-scenes wedding details from a few months before. It was such a great trip, and this road trip alone could probably have its own entire blog written about it. Hannah and I sang some pretty great songs on that road trip that, well, maybe I don't want to talk about. :) 

Trip #3: October 16. Atlanta, GA 
Total Trip Miles: 269

Well this one was definitely a bummer as it was when I had to bring Hannah back to the airport so she could go back to Germany. I tried keeping her here but she had important things to do back home. Like school. Go to a conference. Hang out with her family. Whatever. Anyway, so she had hung out with me and my friends the past two and a half weeks and it was so much fun. I brought her to both Chick-fil-A and Waffle House for the first time. We did a ton of stuff. It was pretty exhausting. But so fun. And thankfully a lot of it is caught on camera. Well, here's the last picture taken of the five of us that hung out those two weeks. It was pretty great. The drive back from Atlanta not so great though. I was sad!

Trip #4: October 19-22. Savannah, GA
Total Trip Miles: 746

Fall Break! With Amy, Emily, and Rebekah. We had been planning this for months! As this was my third trip within one week, I was definitely ready to go crash on the beach. It was great. It was so warm. And sunny. And we saw a beach wedding. And we ate lots of Oreos. And stayed up late playing Scattergories (talk about partying). It was by far my favorite Fall Break ever and with three of my favorite people ever. We explored downtown Savannah blasting our favorite Fall Break songs and taking pictures everywhere we went. And, of course, we had to experience the sunrise over the ocean. 

Trip #5. October 28. Rome, GA
Total Trip Miles: 130

 This one was spontaneous. One minute I am sitting at work in the Psych Department having a lovely conversation with someone, the next minute Emily walks in saying, "Hey, do you want to go to Rome with me and surprise Kevin?" "Yeah. When?" "Now." "Sweet." And we went. We took the back way, through the most beautiful Southern countryside I have ever seen. Blasting Cinema, All Night, Forever, A Capella, Wrecking Ball and a ton of other catchy songs that we could sing at the top of our lungs to. We finally got there, crept through the parking lot  And boy, did we surprise Kevin at work. He was dressed as a prince for the Pirate/Princess Day. And he definitely did not expect to see Emily show up. Or me I guess. Well that was cute and all but I was freakin pumped to meet a pirate!! We ate some delicious chicken sandwiches, stared at all the adorable little children all dressed up, and of course, got hit on by our waiter. What a nice way to escape for an afternoon with one of my best friends.

Trip #6. November 1-3. Alabaster, AL
Total Trip Miles: 327

This one was a bit more planned. I had to meet my nephew Reid! he was born September 4 and I hadn't been able to see him yet, so Rebekah and I drove out there and spent a relaxing weekend with my niece and nephew. It was pretty uneventful. I mean, we went to a thrift store too (What, what, what, what?), but not much happened. It was good to be away from the busyness of school and to spend time with two of the cutest babies on the planet. Finley is a blast. Reid's adorable. It was good to see Em and Lance too. It had been since Easter that I had seen them. I'm glad I was finally able to make it out there. And, ya know, Finley looks so happy to see me. With her little chicken nuggets. Not to mention she looks just like me and takes after her Auntie Megan in ever way. That's just how it works.

Trip #7. November 27-December 1. Anderson, SC
Total Trip Miles: 459

I don't think many people would take up an offer to be a third wheel, but well, I do. Greg and Janessa invited me months ago to go with them to Greg's house for Thanksgiving break. I hadn't planned anything yet (it was June!) so I gladly accepted and then forgot. Well, they didn't forget and sometime in October reminded me. So we went. I met Greg's parents and then experienced major culture shock Thanksgiving day with his very Southern and yet very Asian family. That dinner was delicious and yet the whole thing was something like I'd never experienced before, even though I've been in the south two and a half years now. The whole weekend was a lot of fun, though. Anderson is a cute little town with its very own Moonshine Distillery plenty of Antique Stores. But really, though, those antique stores were so crowded, I think that's where everyone goes for a good time in that town (but hey, look at us. We're naturals). Other than that, I got some great Black Friday deals and (a highlight) I got to shoot a gun! A lot happened in those few short days, and there's not many people I would rather third wheel for for an entire break, but I had so much fun with Greg and Janessa. 

Trip #8. December 2-4. Crown Point, IN
Total Trip Miles: 1127

I guess you could call this spontaneous, but it was probably the most necessary of all of these trips. Last day of Thanksgiving Break I found out my mom was brought to the hospital for a major blood clot. I wrote a blog about it already actually. Anyway, so Em and I were freakin out and had to see her. I got back from Anderson on Sunday, stayed at Rebekah's house Sunday night, and then Monday night met Emily and Lance in Nashville at 9 and made it to Jess's at about 3 in the morning. Four hours later we were up and headed to the hospital to surprise Mom and Dad! Basically scared them out of their minds, actually. That day in the hospital was so great, you should read my other lengthy blog about it. But then we had to get back. So we drove all through the night again and I got back to school after a week of being gone and after sleeping in five different houses while living out of the same tiny suitcase. It was a crazy week. And I was in Indiana for about 24 hours. So hectic! So exhausting. And so good to see Mom. She's doing fantastically well now by the way. 

Trip #9. December 19-Present. DeMotte, IN
Total Trip Miles: 557

Well finally the end of the semester came. It was a crazy two weeks since I got back from seeing Mom in the hospital. I spent hours in the library, I didn't have a social life, and I drank probably way too much coffee. The end finally came, I had a really fun drive with Katie, Tim, and Will. We stopped just once, at the sketchiest gas station that had a bathroom with no soap but a condom dispenser. Priorities, right? And now I've been home for a week, just hanging out with my parents, taking them to all their doctor and hospital appointments. I've been hanging out with Levi a lot. You know, he's pretty dang cute. Being home is kind of weird but it's nice not having any homework to do and I have been sleeping a lot. It's been nice. In a few weeks I'll be drivin back to school. Hopefully next semester I will be spending a little bit less time in the car.

Total Miles: 4789

Well.....that's it. I had a couple people guess how many miles I'd traveled this semester and they guessed in the 2000s. Nope. Seemed like I was always going somewhere new. It was pretty great. I have so many great memories with so many awesome people. 

Here, I made a map of all the places that called me away from Lookout Mountain.

December 5, 2013

On Sunday my mom was put in the hospital because of a major blood clot in her lungs. It could have killed her if it had been any bigger. Way to scare me so badly, Mom. Made me bite off all my fingernails (and let me tell you, they had been lookin' good).

By Monday at 5:00 PM Emily and I decided we needed to go see her. Nothing else would possibly put our minds at ease. We left about two hours later.

The next 36 hours were a blur. But a wonderful blur.

We didn't get to Jess's house til 3:30...ya the morning. After four hours of sleep, it was time to go see Mom. We were so close, I was so excited! Poor Mom was sitting in the hospital looking forward to Skyping me a few hours later. I think what I did was better though.

Emily, Lance, and I waited in the waiting room for a few minutes while Jess went in to see Mom and Dad. Of course I was standing there imaging all the worst possible ways to surprise them. Like just bursting through the door at full speed screaming and throwing confetti. It'd probably give her a real heart attack. Or we could have dressed up like nurses and gone in to give her a shot or check her oxygen or something and then BAM! it's us!! So many possibilities of freaking them out.

But I think what we did did the trick anyway. Jess walked in first saying, "You have visitors." There were immediate tears (ok more like mega-crazy-super loud sobs). Mom couldn't stop the flood of tears as she hugged Emily. Dad jumped up and hugged me, both of us crying. It was my turn to hug Mom next. We just couldn't stop crying. The nurses ran in the room, thinking something was horribly wrong, when in reality it was just the opposite.

Those first few minutes were so great, even if we were all crying. (Jess told me later on how funny it all actually was.) Mom was always holding one of our hands, I think it took her a while to believe that we were really there.

Those ten hours were wonderful, hard as it was why we were there. Nurses and doctors kept coming in talking about horrible things like platelets, veins, shots, needles, heartbeats and all those freaky medical things that I hate. Emily had to give me her chair because I looked pale. I took a lot of drinks to the drinking fountain. I'm really not a tower of strength when it comes to medical things like that.

But then it was finally my turn to take the lead on something. By now Mom was out of ICU, and she desperately needed her hair washed. The nurse brought us the weirdest looking pan to put under her head, so she didn't have to sit up at all. Then there was another bucket that could catch all the water as it ran out of the pan. I assigned everyone to their jobs, as I was the main "doctor" in this "procedure." Lance filled the cup with water so I could pour it in Mom's hair. She even asked who was in charge of the temperature of the water. I said, "A boy, I'm sorry." Emily held the bucket to catch all the used water, while Jessica was my main assistant in keeping the pan level under Mom's bed and getting me towels when needed and, of course, opening the shampoo bottle for me.

Mom just laid there smiling and enjoying the head massage that came with me washing it. And of course I tried freaking her out with the most doctor-like language I could come up with (to get back at them all for making fun of me so much!). "First step is to make an incision," and "I'm going to have to prepare my hands for this, this is dangerous." It was a blast. We were all laughing. If only the nurses had seen us (and Mom's wicked awesome Mohawk I gave her after I had the shampoo all lathered in). Pretty sure I even threw in a free commercial for Garnier's shampoo. It's for dry and frizzy hair. They should thank me.

She seemed ten times better after having clean hair. We all just hung out. Talked about our Thanksgivings, Skyped Finley in Alabama, read the cards Mom had gotten, hung out with the random visitors from church that came, feasted on hospital food together. It was great. I remember one time Jessica said, "Mom, want us to put on the TV or play some music while we sit here?" and Mom said with closed eyes, "No, just keep talking, your voices are my music." That made me happy.

I think the highlight for us all was Skyping with Sam. I think we woke him up with our call, but oh well. He's always been a morning person and he sounded like he was in a fantastic mood. He and Dorinda had Mellow in their bed with him. Typical Sam. He made us all laugh so much. It's like we were all together (except Josh who was at work and, though I'm probably the only one that thought of this, my future husband that is unfortunately missing out on cool things like this). Ok, but the four of us originals were there with Mom and Dad. Even if Sam was thousands of miles away. I kept looking over at Mom. Laying there just listening to her four favorite people talking and laughing. I notice things like that. I actually almost started crying at one point. Happy tears. It was so bittersweet; it's so rare that we're all together. But when we are, everything just seems right. We all laugh and joke nonstop. I don't think people understand how cool it is to see their entire family so often. I envy that.

The doctor came (or was he a know how I get....tuning people out when they start talking about medical/body/surgery type of things), anyway, whatever he was, he told us (all of us...Sam was still watching from the iPad) how there was a 50/50 chance that she'll need surgery. He held up his fingers to show us how big the blood clot was. Yikes. I didn't know that kind of stuff happened. Well, I just felt my heart skip kinda funny just at the thought of this blood stuff. I'm ending this paragraph now. I'm not the one to give these details.

We got a picture with Mom (Mom and her girls...heck yes I'm one of those people). I don't care if the picture was taken in a hospital. We all look so happy. But then came the hard part. I hate goodbyes in general. But this one was especially hard. We couldn't stop crying. I mean, she could have died because of this blood clot. This was pretty serious. None of us wanted to leave her. Seriously, let me just fail my exams and I'll just hang out in the hospital with her. We couldn't stop crying. I left a cute little wet spot on Dad's shirt from crying into it. I kept hugging Mom, holding her hand, crying. Making her promise she would be ok. I kissed her forehead. Leaving was so hard. The second I left Room 209 I just wanted to run right back in.

It was such a great day. I kind of hate saying that, ya know, since I was visiting one of my Favorite People Ever in the hospital, but was just so great. Filled with so much laughter and so much crying, but mostly just so much joy because we got to be all together.

God is so awesome. He's been teaching me so much about the power of prayer. I have had so many people tell me they were praying for my mom. It's been pretty cool. And how He brought us all together just for a couple of hours. It was amazing.

That's right, Wetselaars/Hubers/Millers. We're pretty great. Love you all.

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Hey I'm Megan. This is just my blog of my life, my adventures, my story...even if I don't know where it's going.

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