megan wetselaar

megan wetselaar

November 27, 2012

I got the rare opportunity today to go up into Carter Tower all by myself for about twenty minutes. My boss was fixing the door at the bottom of the stairs and told me to go up and "Go explore." I walked slowly up the winding staircase, savoring the moments that I had alone in the tower. Names of hundreds and hundreds of former students, employees, visitors of "Hotel above the Clouds" many people with their names signed and the dates going as far back as the 1970s and 1980s all the way up until my most recent addition. I wanted to stay up there forever and read what people had written and to imagine what their experiences had been like while in the tower. Most of them probably didn't have the chance of being there by themselves like I did, so I imagine that they were more rushed and didn't care to read the names as much. It was the coolest feeling to be standing up there, completely alone, and yet feeling the presence of hundreds of people who had been there before. It was eerie, but so peaceful and beautiful. I could have stayed for hours.

I spent less than a minute looking at the breathtaking view because I was so captivated by the names and the quotes that people had written down. It's as if they all had just one chance of leaving their mark at Covenant, so they wanted to write something beautiful and memorable or perhaps just simply their name and the date.

The moments I spent up in the Tower today were the most peaceful and enjoyable moments I have had at Covenant in a long time. There will always be a place for Covenant College in my heart, and that Tower, mysterious and old, is my favorite spot on the whole campus.

Especially when I can be there all alone.


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Hey I'm Megan. This is just my blog of my life, my adventures, my story...even if I don't know where it's going.

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