-How many countries have you lived in?
-Where would you want to get proposed to on campus?
-If you were a boy, what hall would you live on?
-What would be your Hunger Games survival strategy?
-Favorite kind of tea?
-How many kids do you want?
-Which race would you be if you could pick?
-Would you rather be a fruit fly or a rock?
-Which building would you blow up on campus if you had to blow one up?
-Who would play you in a movie?
-How did you meet your boyfriend?
-Who would play you in a movie?
-How did you meet your boyfriend?
-What's the color of your underwear you're wearing right now?
-Favorite super hero?
-What's your theme song for life?
-Which Disney princess are you?
-Which Covenant men's sports team is the most attractive?
-First Covenant crush?
-Which Olympic sports would you do for winter and summer?
-Where do you want to go on your honeymoon?
-Do you own any pets?
-What part of Germany did you live in when you were one?
-Which Harry Potter character are you?
-What's your first kiss story?
And the list went on and on. I'm proud to say I asked a good majority of the questions, as I do every week. I just love getting to know people by asking them really strange questions!
Yep....Couch and Cake is the place to be on Wednesday nights for Imani.
I LOVE IT!!! Couch and Cake is the BEST!! And good questions :) I'd love to hear the answer to some :) COuch and cake is something I really wanna do again! :)